Wednesday, 2 November 2011

"Just doing it"

One of the reasons I stared writing this blog. Was to make myself accountable for tough tasks which I sometimes procrastinate. The idea being that I'd write on my blog what I was going to get done and that would motivate myself to complete the tasks.

That created a bit too much pressure - so I now procrastinate writing my blog - simple.

A quick thought: 

Companies spend a lot of time and money developing company slogans and mission statements. In my opinion one of the best is Nike's slogan of "Just Do It".

Its simple and works well for the sports and leisure brand that is Nike. Those 3 simple words are very powerful for anything that you want to get done in your life.

Yesterday I got home and needed to go for a run. I was busy talking myself out of it:

Self-sabotaging me
: "Whew rough day kid .... you deserve a break - take it easy this evening"

Motivated me: "Chom its Tuesday and you've done no training since Saturday morning - get it together and go for a run"

SSM: "You still have a little ankle niggle - if you head out now you could make it worse, then you'll be out of training for sometime"

SSM: "You're also quite fit already .... a machine really, you could have the evening off"

MM: "Get it together you little muppet - 'Just do IT' go and run!!"

SSM: "Whatever - I've warned you .... "

Trainers on. 

Out the door.

The warm summer evening was amazing, and 8km run flew. With 1km to go to home this "Dash Berlin" song (below) played on my iPod.

As I ran the sun was setting over the horizon, the sky was a bright orange and the combination of feeling good from the run, the amazing sunset and the words and beat of the song - really made for an amazing 40 minute run.

It's said that in life, some of the biggest regrets are the things that you DIDN'T do. - 

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