Friday, 30 March 2012

A movie recommendation

If you're South African - I recommend that you you  watch the movie "Spud". Set at the Michael House School in the KZN Midlands and starring the excellent John Cleese, its a very well scripted and written film. Lots of South African culture, and just a feel good flick. 

It also featured a very cool song I'd forgotten about ... Evoid - "Shadows"

Off to the Vaal River tomorrow hope the rain goes away.

Thursday, 29 March 2012

Is it that bad?

How often we do look at our problems and spend time worrying about them and the huge effect they have on our daily lives.

Today my Storm cloud was creating a PDF file from a Power point presentation. The presentation was 2mb but when I made it into a PDF it became a 12mb file!!

Turn to Google.

As I start to type my problem into Google "
why when I PDF a presentation does it create such a large file .... " Google then starts to suggest what it thinks my problem might be.

Below is a screen shot of what was suggested. 

My silver lining is that my "12mb PDF file" is really not that much of a problem when I look at what some other people are asking Google to help them with.

PS: if you haven't already please "like" our new project on Facebook.

Monday, 26 March 2012

No one's holding you down ...

So much happening at work ... and not enough time to write on the blog .... so a quick song for today ... 

"You are free to go - no ones holding you down .. "


Have a great Monday evening.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Spontaneous decisions ...

Having been for a few lessons in December this year and still not having got up on the board, I can hardly call myself a kite-surfer. I will get it right though. Despite the steep learning curve, once you've got it right it looks amazing.

Teahupo is an iconic surf spot and renowned as having the world's "heaviest wave". A coral reef gives the glassy water a perfect break but makes it extremely dangerous to surf -  the name 'Teahupo'o' loosely translates in English to “to sever the head” or "place of skulls"  and has 5 recorded deaths.

Take a quick look at this video, and the "awesomeness" of making a "spur of the moment" decision to do something that you love!

Song for a Sunday is a goodie that I just heard in my car on the way back from the office (ON A SUNDAY!!
) - 'Lil Wayne - Runnin

Friday, 9 March 2012

Coffee is for closers

I read and interesting quote recently:
"In any situation, the best thing you can do is the right thing; the next best thing you can do is the wrong thing; the worst thing you can do is nothing."

Some of life's biggest failures are inaction - grab each opportunity and give it try, it may not always work - but at least you'll know.

Take a quick look at the monologue below which was written for Alec Baldwin's character by David Mamet, it was going to be included in the film "Glengarry Glen Ross" - its powerful.

Have a good weekend

Monday, 5 March 2012

A Monday on the beach

Monday's storm cloud: my Telkom ADSL line at home is still so slow, it makes a tree-sloth look like Usain Bolt.

" ... to log a new fault press 1, to check on the status of an existing fault press 2 ..." 

LOTS of time passes .....

GP: "Please can you see what the problem is on this line ... (although I have a very good idea that I know what the answer is going to be)
Telkom call center "special needs person: "Its a general area fault 'se'." 
GP: "There's a surprise - that's what the call centre always says. Can you check on this ref number ... when does it say this problem started?"
TCCSNC: "Since Jan last year .... I'll log the fault again"
GP: That's a wonderful idea, can you see how many times the fault has been escalated"?
TCCSNC: "Yes this is the 8th time its been reported"
GP:  F.M.L.!!!

... to be continued.

Monday's Silver Lining:
I know this is about 5 days late ... but was a big piece of good news for me and for our country last week - and this is too good not to share.  (so I'm counting it today)

Very clever picture of a day on the beach ... (be careful opening that umbrella)

Thursday, 1 March 2012

A change of name and fresh new start

This week has been full of challenges and changes.

Lots has happened with our new project. I mentioned it a few weeks ago, and we're now finally ready to launch. There is still a lot to be done.... and certain things, like our website are not yet up.

We can however tell you that we've secured the venue that we've wanted and will be using the Coca-Cola dome in Johannesburg to host the our project "CycleX - Africa's bicycle, triathlon and multi-sport Expo".

We're still getting the design and look and feel for our project off the ground, so the Facebook page may look different from time to time.

Please click and "like" our page ... also share it with anyone else that you think might be keen to visit, exhibit or corporate that may want to sponsor.

PS. As there (by default) seems to be a changing theme of my Blog, I changed the rather imaginative name from "My Life in a Blog" to "Storm Clouds and silver linings".

Off for a run.