Monday's storm cloud: my Telkom ADSL line at home is still so slow, it makes a tree-sloth look like Usain Bolt.
" ... to log a new fault press 1, to check on the status of an existing fault press 2 ..."
LOTS of time passes .....
GP: "Please can you see what the problem is on this line ... (although I have a very good idea that I know what the answer is going to be)
Telkom call center "special needs person: "Its a general area fault 'se'."
GP: "There's a surprise - that's what the call centre always says. Can you check on this ref number ... when does it say this problem started?"
TCCSNC: "Since Jan last year .... I'll log the fault again"
GP: That's a wonderful idea, can you see how many times the fault has been escalated"?
TCCSNC: "Yes this is the 8th time its been reported"
GP: F.M.L.!!!
... to be continued.
Monday's Silver Lining:I know this is about 5 days late ... but was a big piece of good news for me and for our country last week - and this is too good not to share. (so I'm counting it today)
Very clever picture of a day on the beach ... (be careful opening that umbrella)