Wednesday, 28 September 2011

"Running out of time"

Today I've spent a lot of time on the road travelling to meetings thinking,"I've not written anything on my blog for a few days"

I have "writer's block".  

I then thought I'd sit now and write about something, but this great weather and the fact that I've entered an 89km ultra marathon in May next year I've decided to go for a run instead.

I did however save this little pearl which I thought I'd share ...

I understand the relief Bob felt with his realisation below! - Shew!


Monday, 19 September 2011

Information is the currency of democracy.

Politics is something I don't pay much attention to. I find it, most of the time, as exciting as a conversation between teenagers about TV games.

The controversial "information bill", which was going to be discussed and voted on in parliament tomorrow though, is something I feel plays a huge part in our young democracy.

The main reason I don't follow politics, is that besides voting there's often not much I can do with regard to law and legislation. So I carry on with my life, and look for ways to work around with the system.

The right to freedom of speech, and the ability to question and expose those who consistently manipulate the system at the expense of the tax paying public, is at the very core of our constitution. It also begs question as to why this bill would be legislated unless there was information to hide.

The ability to win a negotiation with anyone, is massively increased when you have relevant information. Without information we'd be left with an equation which looks like this ...

(R20m home Sandton + luxury Range Rover SUV + home Limpopo)  = R20, 000 per month + X

You can quickly solve for X by guessing the value of SUV and Limpopo home and come up with a value, something like this:
+- R30, 000, 000 = R20, 000pm + X

Without  much more maths you can quickly see X is a VERY large number, and is impossible to understand without any other information.

Fortunately, up till now we've had access to information, which gives us an idea of how we get to X. Most of us know this as another simply mathematical formula called "tender irregularities"
In our government this mathematical formula, can most often be used to calculate that tricky and hard to understand X.

I've been into many maths exams completely under-prepared, and trying to solve X, left me feeling sick to my stomach and the same sweaty palms I had the day my Nan drove me as a young boy into town in her Datsun bakkie.

I'm stoked that the decision discuss and vote on this bill has been delayed (for now). However should our media be muzzled with with the legislating of this bill, we may not be as lucky as the young man that (just in time) saw my Nan drive straight through the 4 way stop which has been there for 40 odd years!

Monday, 12 September 2011

Julius, my dilemma

Every cloud has a silver lining. 
And every silver lining has a cloud.

As soon as one thing's fixed something else breaks. That's how it is, its the way life works.

Sometimes they happen in the same sectors of life:

CloudCash flow is a mess.
Silver Lining: Have an amazing new business idea, which can (maybe one day in the future), make some money.

Cloud: Mogoeng Mogoeng is appointed as South Africa's Chief Justice. JZ you've made plenty some bad calls in the past but this is a dismal  choice for the head of our country's judiciary.
Silver Lining: Collin Lamomt passing ruling that Julius singing "Kill the boer" song is construed hate speech and is banned from it being sung at ANC rallies. 

Sometimes though they're in completely unrelated sectors of your life

Silver Lining: {Email From "UK Loto Winner"} - "Dear sir, you are the single winner in the 'UK Billion Lottery' this week. In order to accept your prize please can you send us your credit card details so that we can transfer your winnings!!!" - OMG - YESSSS!!!!
Cloud: {SMS from appliance repair shop} - "Dear customer reference number 2432 your leaking washing machine, will cost R1,200 to fix. Please reply 'yes' to go ahead with this quote.

My dilemma, fix or replace?

The story of my washing machine reads like a custody battle over a love child. It was one of the "sticking points" in the break up between myself and an ex-girlfriend.

  • She bought it: R2,500 (about 8 years ago)
  • I paid to fix it: R1350 (about 4 years ago)
  • We broke up (about 3 years ago)
  • She moved out leaving it for me - "to use for a while"
  • About 1 ago:
    EX: "Oh you know that washing machine of mine that you've had for 2 years would you like to BUY it"?
    ME: "Excuse me? It sounded like you said buy it".
    Ex: "Yes buy it - R800".
    ME: "Ummmm how about NO!!, you can come and fetch it or I'll pay your R200 for it".
    : "But I only have a small car, I cant come and fetch it!!"
    ME: "Perfect - R200.00 it is"
A new machine is about R3, 000, but I reckon this one's got about 2 years of life left if I accept the quote for R1,200.

Maybe I'll just wait till my lotto winnings get paid to my credit card, and then buy a new one!! - SORTED.

Sunday, 11 September 2011

"Vok se die Bok"

Almost 3 years ago 10 mates started a "share club" with the plan to save enough money to go to NZ to watch the Rugby World Cup. The way that the springboks played yesterday I'm glad that the equity markets have been under pressure - it'd have been a disappointing waste of money.

Although they did win it was a poor show from the defending world champions. We didn't let that get us down though. At a bowls fundraiser at the Linden bowls club, we made the most of great weather and good company.

The "defending bowls champs",a bunch of 30 something knobs from Witbank, gave us a licking in our second match. I hate losing, but I don't mind loosing to muppets the same age as me that take a sport like bowls that seriously.

93 views of my blog over the weekend!! What a way to lose my blogging virginity!

Lots to get done this week. 

Legs stiff from 21km run yesterday morning.

Friday, 9 September 2011

Day 1 Blog 1

I was reading another blog today. 

I don't normally read blogs, however this one is apparently written by a good looking bachelorette, with fine taste and a sharp wit.

And while I have neither of those, I thought about the idea of writing a blog of my own.

I plan to use this blog, as a way to get myself to do the stuff that I often put off. If anyone cares to read this, I'll let them know some of the tasks that I plan to do - then I'll let them know (honestly) if I've competed them.

Today's task: Start a blog.